Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Brock!

Brock turns 2 today! I can hardly believe it! He has grown so fast! It seems like just yesterday I was 9 mo. pregnant and thinking to myself is he ever going to come out! And after a relatively short labor, out came our bouncing baby boy...all 10lbs. 9oz. of him! We picked the name Brock because we liked the name "Barack" which means blessed in Hebrew. And that is truly how we feel....blessed! Everyday Brock brightens our day with his smiles, laughter, and constant repeating of so many different words...mommy, truck, mommy, truck,mommy, truck,mommy, truck, etc. daddy, thomas train, daddy, train, DADDY, TRAIN! His voice getting louder with each time he repeats himself. He loves his big brothers and sister so much and he can't wait to get out of bed in the morning to play with them! He has truly completed our family and for that we are thankful! Happy Blessed Birthday Brockie! We love you so much and know that you are going to grow up to be such an awesome man of God! We look forward to many more years of your smiles and laughter and even the constant repeating!


Unknown said...

Oh! He shares his birthday with my Abby! It's hard for me to believe he's 2 also...seems like he was just born! Enjoy your celebration day!

The Hussy Housewife said...

Happy Birthday to BROC!!! I hope his day was filled with cupcakes and soda!!!!

Dawn said...

What a beautiful baby!!

BTW I want to know all about the preview service... Do tell!