Sunday, December 7, 2008

We moved!!

Just a quick post to let you know we have moved. We started Friday and finished up yesterday. We still have a little bit in storage but the majority is moved in. Of course, we have boxes all over the house and it is a little overwhelming but with a little time we should feel settled. We should hopefully have internet hooked up this week and until then we won't have a home phone, just cell phones...thank goodness for those becuase if you know me I can't be without a phone ;o) I hope to post some new pics when we get all moved in.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm sure it will feel great to be settled into your home. After all the work, it'll be nice to just focus on one place instead of two. (Can you tell I've done the fixer upper thing?)

Wendy said...

Congratulations Mosers! We're very excited for you all...can't wait to see pics. of you all settled. I email me your new address for a Christmas card.